Friday, January 23, 2015

How to Enjoy Reading.


     This post is going to be focusing on a question that I'm sure lots of you would like to know, but are afraid to ask.This is going to be talking about, how to enjoy reading. I wanted to do a post on this because of Elle Fowler a.k.a Ellesglittergossip or Allthatglitters21 on youtube, she did a video on this and I though that it would be a great topic to post about.
     Here are some of my personal thoughts on how to enjoy reading, as well as some thoughts that Elle talked about. 

     First off, I think that it helps to have a natural desire to read. I get my love for reading from my grandmother, she always has a stack of books next to her recliner, and her bed. I think that it comes naturally to people, but not always, you could also develop a desire as you grow older as well. I always loved reading books when I was younger, I read ZooBooks, Junie B Jones books, and so many others as well. But sometimes, people who have always despised reading, can develop a love.

     The next thing I'm going to suggest is find out what you enjoy reading. Don't think that you need to read what everyone else is reading because you want to look cool, read what YOU want to. What I suggest is to go into a library or a bookstore and just walk all over, check out every section, and if something interests you in the Non-Fiction section, GRAB IT. Don't feel like you have to read what everyone else reads, you don't. If you have an interest in books on interior decorating, get them, if you have an interest in horror, grab the book! I have a BUNCH of different genres that range from poetry, to a history book about the Titanic, and some young adult as well. So branch out and grab whatever interests you, if you don't like the book you checked out (if you went to a library) you can always bring it back. 

      Another thing, Reading in School!! Ugh, I know a lot of you probably made that noise. I did not like reading in english class, we read certain books in class that I didn't end up enjoying or remembering details of because I couldn't focus on the book. Reading in school could be a major bummer for those of us who dislike reading to begin with.A lot of kids in my class, when they found out that we had to read a certain book would purposly miss class so they didn't have to read the book. (I know that is a little extreme, but hey it's their choice) Being forced to read is one of the worst feelings in the world, especially when you dislike the topic you're reading about. In my class,one year, we read a book called Night by Ellie Wiesel, which is a book that talks about WWII. I don't like to learn about the Holocost at all, so having to read about it, from a Jewish person's perspective, really made me upset. 

     Another way to help you enjoy reading is to develop a routine to make your reading experience fun. So tonight, or whenever you have free time, try this method, grab the book you bought from the bookstore, or took out from the library, and read for 15 minutes. What I do sometimes, to make it more pleasureable for me, is I'll make sure I'm all cozy in my bed, turn the T.V off, and I'll sometimes make a hot drink, like tea, and I'll sit in my bed all covered up, nice and comfy, and just read. This is a great thing because if you're in a cozy, safe place, and you're reading you have no distractions and you could even finish your book. If you do all of this, and start reading but aren't enjoying the book, put the book down. Don't force yourself to read the book, it'll only make you upset. 

     I'm almost done, I have one more thing to discuss. find a book version of your favorite movie! There are a lot of book to movie adaptations, and nine times out of ten, the book is a lot better than the movie. The most common adaptation is Harry Potter! This is the most common book to movie adaptation, I made the mistake and watched the movies before reading the books. (Little secret, I haven't read all of the Harry Potter books) There are so many others that are newer adaptations, like Divergent, The Fault in Our Stars, and even The Hunger Games! All of these movies, I read the books first and I LOVED them. Anyways, my point is, if you enjoy a movie a lot but never read the book, read the book, and maybe you'll enjoy it as much, if not more than the movie!

     That's what I have for advice on How to Enjoy Reading, I hope you guys enjoyed this and I hope you try at least one of these methods. Hopefully these methods will help you to develop a love for reading, or increase your desire. Thank you so much for reading this! Hope you all have an awesome day.

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