Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'm baaaack!!!

     Hey everyone! Where have I been, you may be wondering. I will tell you, I went through a terrible break up on December 15th. I found out that my boyfriend of 3 years, found another girl I found this out because I needed answers as to why he said he didn't feel the spark between us anymore,and I needed them right THEN so, since he was going to make me wait 3 days, I went on his facebook (I knew his password) and I found out that he was in a relationship with another girl! I was kind of upset as you could probably imagine, so the last thing on my mind was blogging, or reading or even making YouTube videos.

     But now, that its January 2015, a new year I'm going to say the cliche thing, new year, new me! This couldn't be more true, I'm going to be posting on this blog and my new horror blog, BournToScream, as much as possible!! I have SO many ideas to write about, I've also been starting to get back into making videos and even reading. It is a gradual process, but I know I can do it. I've also been taking counseling sessions, and because of that I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety,which is another factor to why I haven't been active, I can not stay focused long enough. But I am chaging that as fast as I can.

     My posts that I have lined up for you guys are:
  • 'How To Enjoy Reading?'
  • End of December Book Haul
  • New ideas for my channel
     Those and SO many more things are upcoming!! I hope you are all as excited as I am! 
I'm also working on a contemporary novel which is SUPER exciting. I used to write all of the time when I was younger, but I never finished anything I started. I'd write a little of something, say to myself "This is crappy, who'd want to read this?" and start something else. But this one, I'm going to stick to and edit it once I've completed it!
     Anyways, that is where I have been! But now I'm back and here to stay! I love blogging, it helps me to relax and it gets my mind working. Aside from a crazy kitten who steps on my laptop every 2 minutes causing things to pop up left and right, I'm happy with this post, and I hope you all enjoyed a little update and look forward to my 'End of December book haul' as my next post!!

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